Part 4 – Rightly Dividing Israel’s “Prophecy” Program from Paul’s “Mystery” Program

This Article is part of a multi-part Study Series called Judgements and Blessings Delayed.

Those who do not rightly divide Israel’s ‘prophecy program’ … from Paul’s mysteryprogram (God’s secret plan) for “the body of Christ,” usually thereby misplace “the body of Christ” into the timeline of the midst of Daniel’s 70th week of the 7-year Tribulation (cf. Dan. 9:26-27). We are actually exempt from God’s wrath since Jesus Christ took the wrath due us upon Himself… for us… at the Cross.

Some say, “Well Paul is just preparing “the church” to enter the last 3-1/2 years of the Tribulation called “the Great tribulation.” Not True! This is exactly opposite to what Paul teaches about the nature and purpose of “the mystery” church. Their misuse of Scripture contradicts Paul’s purpose, to ‘comfort and calm the fears’ of the troubled Thessalonians, which was due to the ‘lying false doctrine’ being spread among them.

Note that Paul wrote “(So) That ye Be Not Soon Shaken in Mind, or be Troubled…” (2 Thes. 2:2). Since “the Day of Christ is the Rapture… before the Tribulation, why would the Thessalonians be “troubled”? Paul addresses the ‘lies’ (seen in of 2 Thes. 2:2-3) that had “troubled” the Thessalonians with a fearful looking to the horrible judgements of “the Day of the Lordthinking they had missed the Rapture to heaven?

But there is a proper eschatological (future events) interpretation that maintains the integrity of God’s words, as seen in Paul’s clear teaching of the God-made separation between … the destiny or Paul’s “mystery” ‘church and … the coming wrath that will apply to apostate Israel’ at His return.

The “Day of Christ is not only our gathering together unto him, but it also speaks of:

  • Our day ‘in heavenAFTER our gathering at the Rapture, when the church, “His body,” co-reigns with Him “in heaven(cf. 2Tim. 2:12).
  • Believing Israel, at His 2nd coming, will only then co-reign with Christ on the earth in the Kingdom (cf. Rev. 5:10, 20:6).

Clearly, this “present evil world” is not Paul’s “the Day of Christ.” Today is neither “the kingdom” on earth as was promised to Israel, nor is it the prophesied Tribulation that precedes His coming kingdom on earth.

Our Rapture (resurrection) is the next, imminent, event to occur!

Paul’s purpose in writing was to calm the Thessalonian and Corinthian believers who were being lied to with fake news. Just read these words Paul wrote to Timothy.

“And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; 18Who concerning the truth have erred, Saying That the Resurrection Is Past Already; and Overthrow the Faith of Some.” (2Tim. 2:18)

In the 1st century there were false teachers (as there are today) saying that the resurrection (Rapture) had already come and ‘the kingdom’ was then present, and that the Thessalonians were somehow then living during the reign of Christ on the earth. Some even said there was “no resurrection (Rapture)” (read 1Cor 15:12-13, 19).

If this were true then those such as the Thessalonians who were facing persecution for faith in Christ and the grace gospel in that day would be “most miserable” (1 Cor 15:19). Why would they then sacrifice and endure hardship… if the persecution they were experiencing on earth was their supposed time of “reward in heaven (1 Cor 15:32, 1Co 3:8, 14)?

The Thessalonians were being troubled and confused by the lies of false teacherswho said they had missed the Rapture (resurrection) and that the Millennial kingdom had already begun on earth. teachingthat said they had missed the Rapture (resurrection) and the Millennial kingdom had already begun on earth.