
Hope At The End of The Rope

It is only to the guilty undeserving souls who finally recognize that they are lost souls in need of reconciliation with God that God offers the Forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His Grace” (Eph. 1:7). All humans are born alienated from God. The “natural man” has a mind twisted due to the “sin [nature] in the flesh” of all men from birth.

Part 1 – The Source of All Love

Sadly, millions of people, even religious people, don’t yet know God’s heart and they are afraid of God. Many work to earn His favor, as if to put Him in debt to them, to be blessed. But God is a debtor to no man (Rom 4:4-5). They wrongly suppose that salvation is the reward for them showing enough love to Him. They need to believe what God Himself says… that if we are to be saved it will be entirely because He loved us and graciously provided for our salvation in the cross of His Son.

Part 2 – Relationship Built Upon Freedom to Choose


Where will we go and what will we say, or do?

These are choices that believers face and must make daily in a myriad of situations and circumstances. We must choose in regard to our relationship with others, then what to buy, what we say, where we will go, will we extend ourselves to certain others, will we be restrained and turn away from certain situations? All these are to be governed by the Lord in the life of the Christian. The Greek word translated "Lord" actually means "owner" or "governor."