rightly dividing

Is God Faithful To His Words of Promise?

Yes, God Is Faithful to His Words of Promise but only to those to whom His promises were spoken or written of.

In describing the qualifications of a pastor (Titus 1:6-8), the Apostle Paul saved the most important one for last, saying that a pastor should always be

9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, [so] that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. Titus 1:9 (KJV)

Part 5 - Conclusion

I’ve heard some say; “Doctrine is not all that important, what counts is, did you receive the Lord”; but do you really want to minimize doctrinal truth as they do? Think about the confusion that has been brought by corrupt doctrine, and then the answer will become apparent. Just consider that most Christians understand so little that they can’t clearly tell you if they will ultimately dwell in heaven or on the new earth (cf. Phili. 3:20-21), or how they actually got into “the body of Christ” (cf. 1Cor 12:13).

SESSIONS 3 - These Present A Strategic Grasp of the Bible - Getting Started Right

Man’s greatest possession is the Bible. Our Creator has spoken and His words are recorded in a book He has preserved for us. Through His book we can know the truth about His plan and purpose for His creation.

God has placed great and profitable things for us in His book!  But in order to get the profit out of God’s Word that He has put into His Word, we must study it God’s way. We must discover and follow the divinely established design for studying God’s Word.

The WHAT of DISPENSATIONAL Bible Study. Why Study the Bible in this way?

Part 3 of 3 – The Controversy Clarified

We are discussing what is behind the controversy that prompts religious folks to ask; “Which should bear the greater weight with us, the words of Jesus, or the words of Paul?”

This question is at the very root of the confused and contradictory words we hear preached and promoted today from the pulpits of the church at large, as noted in Part 1 with regard to The “Sermon on the Mount” and the “Great Commission.”