
Part 4 – Is our faith for salvation a “work”?

Some say; “Paul says nobody is saved by their “works” and your “faith” is a work of yours.” They may sight this verse; “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Romans 4:5). They may also say we’re bragging… they assume we’re saying it’s our own faith that saves. That faith, they claim, is something we did.


Part 1 – Victims of Religious Bait and Switch

I was saved in 1968 through the preaching of salvation in Christ that I first heard at Hydewood Park Baptist Church, in New Jersey. It was a rigid fundamentalist Bible believing church. Thankfully, many are saved in and through first hearing the word of salvation in a denominational church setting, hearing a message of God’s grace and the free gift of salvation “through faith” alone in Christ alone.


Rest for Believers

In Hebrews 1:3 we read how the Lord Jesus Christ, “when He had by Himself purged our sins, SAT DOWN on the right hand of the Majesty on High.” Sitting indicates His work was all-sufficient and finished! The tenth chapter of the same book tells us why He sat down:


Part 1 – Introduction: “Rest” for the Trusting Christian

Jesus came to Israel saying, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. (Matt. 11:28) Jesus first offered His “rest” to Israel, who then was under “the Law” and under Israel’s corrupt religious leaders (Matt. 23:2-4, 33). God offers rest to all those of all dispensational ages who would only ‘trust in Him.’