Robert McLaughlin

Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin was ordained by the late Col. R. B. Thieme, Jr. of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas. Pastor McLaughlin is very grateful for the influence that Col. Thieme has had on this ministry. Robert McLaughlin Bible Ministries and Grace Bible Church, of Somerset, MA., a non-denominational church dedicated to teaching the Word of God from the original languages and making it available at no charge throughout the world. No price appears on any material from Grace Bible Church or Robert R. McLaughlin Bible Ministries. Anyone who desires Bible teachings may obtain them without charge or obligation. God provides Bible doctrine; we wish to reflect His grace. This ministry operates entirely on voluntary contributions. When gratitude for the Word of God motivates believers to give, they have the privilege of contributing to the dissemination of Bible doctrine. Your contributions are tax deductible.